¿Qué pasa si te caes?
Nada honey! Te levantas y sigues caminando!
Con esta frase empiezo el primer post de este año. Asi es como lo veo yo, no podemos ir por la vida quejándonos de nuestra vida, dándonos por vencidos, dejándonos tirados solo porque algo no nos salió bien o no resulto lo que esperábamos.
Obviamente se vale en su momento gritar, llorar, patalaear, renegar y asi, pero honey osea se te pasa el berrinche y te levantas, no puedes estar asi siempre, porque ser negativo con todo y con todos es horrible aparte que le enfadas a la gente y le contagias su negatividad y los desanimas, le estas mandando al universo mensajes negativos y ¿que te regresara el universo? Pues cosas negativas, asi que mis queridos honey bees a cambiar de canal, de actitud y a levantarse cuando caigan!
A todos nos cuesta trabajo no crean que yo siempre estoy super positiva, y todo el tiempo sonrio, pues claro que no también lloro y me caigo y me desespero, pero claro que no me quedo ahí verdad!!
Asi que ay que aprovechar todas las oportunidades este año, si no te salen las cosas, vuélvelo a intentar, abre tu corazón, intentalo, no te desesperes, no te rindas y sigue caminando!
Los quiero muchooooo!! suerte en su año!!! ♥ /
What happen if you fall? nothing ......honey!
you get up and keep walking!
With this quote, I start the first post of this year. That's how I see it, we can not go through life complaining about our life, giving up, just because something doesn't work out well or things don´t turn out the way you expected.
Obviously sometimes you can scream, cry, complain and things like that, but then you have to calm down and get up, you can not be like this forever, because being negative with everything and everyone is horrible!
if you are negative, people will be upset with you, besides everything will be negative around you. And the most important thing is that you are sending negative messages to the universe. so, the universe is going to send you only negative things.
So that´s the reason my dear honey bees, that you have to change your attitude and get up when you fall!
Its hard for all of us, don´t think that I'm always super positive, and happy all time, of course not!
I also cry and fall and I despair, but I don´t stay there forever.
So we have to take every opportunity this year, if things go wrong try again, open your heart, don´t give up and keep going!
Love youuuuuuuuuuuu all!! luck in your year !!! ♥
What happen if you fall? nothing ......honey!
you get up and keep walking!
With this quote, I start the first post of this year. That's how I see it, we can not go through life complaining about our life, giving up, just because something doesn't work out well or things don´t turn out the way you expected.
Obviously sometimes you can scream, cry, complain and things like that, but then you have to calm down and get up, you can not be like this forever, because being negative with everything and everyone is horrible!
if you are negative, people will be upset with you, besides everything will be negative around you. And the most important thing is that you are sending negative messages to the universe. so, the universe is going to send you only negative things.
So that´s the reason my dear honey bees, that you have to change your attitude and get up when you fall!
Its hard for all of us, don´t think that I'm always super positive, and happy all time, of course not!
I also cry and fall and I despair, but I don´t stay there forever.
So we have to take every opportunity this year, if things go wrong try again, open your heart, don´t give up and keep going!
Love youuuuuuuuuuuu all!! luck in your year !!! ♥
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